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PPA Price Index

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What’s Included in This Quarter’s Report

North America

LevelTen’s North American PPA Price Index is the industry’s only source of PPA price data based on actual market activity. The report includes price spreads, market insights from LevelTen’s experts, and perspectives from developers and energy buyers. Industry professionals rely on LevelTen’s report because it is based on hundreds of real PPA price offers from developers – giving you accurate data to help you stay on top of the market. LevelTen’s report for the second quarter of 2024 will be published on July 16th and includes the following:

  • PPA price offer data for Q2 2024 (April - June). This reflects 234 price offers from 213 projects across 7 ISOs (AESO, CAISO, ERCOT, ISO-NE, MISO, PJM, and SPP).
  • The US solar industry has been navigating a maze of obstacles in recent years including tariffs on PV components from Asia, anti-forced labor regulations, and measures to restrict foreign manufacturers from dumping products and circumventing duties. For developers, the situation is further muddled by extensions of existing tariffs, fresh investigations into dumping and subsidies (AD/CVD), and the possibility of retroactively applied duties. Dive deep with us as we unpack the impacts of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act and those perplexing Section 201, 232, and 301 tariffs. See how they affected solar supplies and costs, and gain valuable insights from the experts at  Clean Energy Associates.
  • Insights from developers on pressing issues affecting the PPA market. Additionally, learn about trends Sustainability Roundtable, a clean energy advisor, is observing among buyers. These trends include a growing recognition by high-credit corporations and enterprises that aggregated procurements can speed up the energy transition.


LevelTen’s European PPA Price Index is the industry’s only source of PPA price data based on actual market activity. The report includes price spreads, market insights from LevelTen’s experts, and perspectives from developers and energy buyers. Industry professionals rely on LevelTen’s report because it is based on hundreds of real PPA price offers from developers – giving you accurate data to help you stay on top of the market. LevelTen’s report for the second quarter of 2024 will be published on July 18th and includes the following:

  • PPA price offer data for Q2 2024 (April - June). This reflects 448 price offers from 285 projects across 24 countries.
  • Europe's electricity markets are undergoing significant transformations. Spurred by the continent's energy crisis, many countries are reevaluating the design of their electricity markets. These considerations include the retirement of Italy’s Prezzo Unico Nazionale (PUN), a potential shift to pricing zones in Germany, possible alterations to Sweden's zonal setup, and the UK's consideration of moving to pricing zones. How will these changes impact the PPA market? We analyze how these moves might shake things up, so you can stay ahead of the curve in this dynamic market.
  • Insights from developers on pressing issues affecting the PPA market. Additionally, learn about trends Sustainability Roundtable, a clean energy advisor, is observing among buyers. These trends include the increased solar interest in countries like Germany, Italy, Greece, and Finland.

Get a Clear and Complete Picture
of the PPA Market

Data & Market Intelligence
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Executive Summary
PPA Price Index
North American and European reports
Expert Analysis
Key takeaways from P25 Price Indices
In-depth analysis of continental and regional market trends 
Here is a message to help explain the content.
In-depth survey results and analysis
PPA Pricing Data
Solar and wind P25 PPA price trends 
Solar and wind P25 PPA price trends by North American ISO or European country
Solar and wind PPA prices
(P10, P25, P50, P75, P90)
Solar and wind P25 PPA prices by
North American ISO or European country 
Solar and wind P25 PPA prices by hub
(North America only)
Projected capture price trend
(North America only)
Quarterly changes in solar and wind P25 and P50 PPA prices by North American ISO or European country
Market Composition Data
Percentage of wind/solar PPA price offers from each
North American ISO or European country 
PPA Price Offer Attributes
Percentage breakdown of solar and wind project sizes 
Solar and wind PPA term lengths  
*Exact report contents depend on availability of relevant market data each quarter

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