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Webinar: Powering Up the Baltics: PPA Insights and Opportunities

Market Insights
October 5, 2023

Original Webinar Date and Time: October 5, 2023 at 10am CET / 11am EEST

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The Baltic region's abundant renewable energy resources, supportive regulatory environment, and market growth potential make it an attractive destination for PPAs, offering a win-win scenario for both energy producers and consumers.

During this 60-minute webinar, you will learn about the opportunities and challenges of the region's renewable energy market and gain valuable insights for making informed investment and business decisions.

Hosted by Max Plumptre, Transactions Senior Manager at LevelTen Energy with:

  • Frederico Carita, Global Director of Developer Engagement at LevelTen Energy
  • Gregor McDonald, VP, Head of PPA and Energy Trading at European Energy
  • Janno Jõulu, Renewable Energy Originator Manager at Enefit
  • Zdravko Popov, Commercial Expert at Enery

We’ll dive into:

  • PPA prices in the European and Baltic markets, including pricing trends and factors influencing them.
  • ​​​​PPA market in the Baltic region, covering market trends, regulatory frameworks, and contractual aspects.
  • Future outlook for PPAs in the Baltics. What can we expect in the coming years, and how might the market evolve?
  • Questions directly from the audience for clarification on the discussed topics.

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LevelTen Energy

LevelTen Energy is the leading provider of renewable transaction infrastructure, delivering the marketplaces, software, automated analytics, and expertise required to accelerate clean energy transactions. The LevelTen Platform is the world’s largest online hub for renewable energy buyers, sellers, advisors, asset owners and financiers. The Platform includes the LevelTen Energy Marketplace, which delivers access to more than 4,500 power purchase agreement price offers spanning 28 countries in North America and Europe. It also includes the LevelTen Asset Marketplace, which brings together over 800 renewable energy project developers and owners, and delivers the online tools and expertise they need to buy, sell and finance assets quickly. Together, LevelTen and its partners share #OneGoal to accelerate the energy transition.

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